Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sevilla holds a special place in my heart. It is a magical city. Of course I love it because I studied there and it brings familiarity and I feel comfortable there but lets face it, it is beautiful. As I have said before (and before and before) the orange tree aroma, the river, the buildings... I just love it there. I have struggled with the fact that people here in Motril (or all of Granada province) have a "thing" against Sevilla but I am holding to my strong connection with it.

This past weekend I went for Feria for round 2. It was good to spend more time there this time around, but hombre, it was exhausting. We had beautiful weather and just being in Sevilla again was great. Our 1st night at Feria was great because we had some lovely Sevillanos invite us into their caseta, or "tent" to experience Feria with them and their friends. I was so excited to be back in the groove of Feria with the incredible attire, beautiful music and dancing.

Of course Feria is a blast but it truly is a special cultural experience full of tradition. It is something that is difficult to describe without seeing it for yourself but where else can you find everyone dressed up either in Flamenco dresses, fancy suits, flowers in their hair meanwhile horse carriages wandering the streets, guitars being strummed, and the constant flow of rebujito -- THE feria drink which is a special wine mixed with 7up... it is really unique. Both nights we had people inviting us in (perhaps because we are cute American girls -- key word, girls...) but the whole weekend we were treated so nicely by the Sevillanos.

It was also really nice for me to show Kime my favorite places in Sevilla and a taste of my life while studying there -- since I have talked so much about it to her for so long now!

I am sad that it was probably (or definitely) my last visit to Sevilla for a long, long time but it was a great way to spend my last visit; with good company, FERIA, and sun in a beautiful city!

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